The taste of delicious pure honey - priceless.
Chickabuzz honey is a golden delicious treasure. The bees forage for nectar, and then transform that into honey. Sadly, honey from the grocery store can be less than pure. If you don't see an apiary address on the jar, it gets harder to trace that honey to its source apiary. Local products are worth finding!
I like honey for its flavor, and for its soothing effect on a sore throat. A beekeeping buddy of mine likes a spoonful before bed to sleep better. Some gymnasts use honey to help their grip on the bars. Whatever your use, Chickabuzz Honey is here to serve.
Chickabuzz honey is raw honey.
We use glass containers because they are reuseable. When I can, I buy American, because our companies are accountable to our neighbors and to our future.
At Chickabuzz, we aim for sustainability in our gardening, beekeeping and purchases.

half-pint jelly jar (ask about our buy-2 special!)

Tiny jars (another buy-2 special!)

Pocket honey - for your emergency honey needs

Crystallized honey has delightful mouthfeel and bursts with flavor

Cut comb honey. A delicacy! In short supply.

Ask about our bulk honey prices! Fall honey only.
From Comb to Table
The honey is released from the capped comb either by crushing the comb or by cutting the wax cappings off and using
centrifical force in an extractor. Because the honey is not heated for straining, the floral essences are preserved.
Because I work in small batches, I can ensure that the honey is capped and properly cured before I bottle it.
I use made-in-the-USA products exclusively (except for the tiny jars.)