I started beekeeping on June 25 2015 when a swarm landed near our garage.
I started beekeeping on June 25 2015 when a swarm landed near our garage. Thankfully, Blue Sky bee supply was open, so myself and my husband clipped the branch, popped the swarm in a box, assembled the hive and we've never looked back.
I started beekeeping on June 25 2015 when a swarm landed near our garage. Thankfully, Blue Sky bee supply was open, so myself and my husband clipped the branch, popped the swarm in a box, assembled the hive and we've never looked back. I have around 15 hives for honey, using Dadant deep frames at 12.75" depth in the brood chamber, and shallow frames in the honey supers.
I found out that I love programming thanks to a project I worked on with Randy Oliver. I work in NE OH in software development.
I found out that I love programming thanks to a project I worked on with Randy Oliver. I graduated in 2022 from Hiram College with a computer science degree and now work in NE OH in software development.
I found out that I love programming thanks to a project I worked on with Randy Oliver. I graduated in 2022 from Hiram College with a computer science degree Randy's Varroa Model was a key part of my growth as a beekeeper, and I wanted it to be accessible to those who would prefer an HTML interface. And so the HTML version of Randy's Varroa Model was born!
I've learned lots of skills about beekeeping, but currently am focused on selling honey at the Geauga Fresh Farmers Market.